Surah Mulk Read Online
Surah al Mulk

Surah Mulk Read Online and listen to its audio in MP3. Surah AL-Mulk is also available In Roman Text on this page. It is the 67th chapter of the Quran, consisting of 30 verses.

In this blog, you will Read Surah Mulk with proper information and guidance so stay with us & visit again for Surah Mulk Read Online.

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Para: 29 | Voice: Abd-ur Rahman As-Sudais & Su’ood As-Shuraim

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Surah Mulk Read Online

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Surah Al-Mulk (the chapter of Kingdome) is the 67th chapter of the Quran, consisting of 30 verses. It is a Makkan Surah named after the word “al-Mulk,” which means “Sovereignty” or “The Dominion.”

Surah Mulk emphasizes the greatness and sovereignty of Allah s.w.t and serves as a reminder of His power and control over all things. It highlights the signs of Allah’s creation in the heavens and the earth, urging believers to reflect upon them and recognize the Creator’s wisdom and mercy.

Hadith On Surah al Mulk

Here are a few notable Hadiths regarding Surah Al-Mulk:

  • Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “There is a chapter in the Quran which contains thirty verses that will intercede for its reciter until he is forgiven. It is Surah Al-Mulk.” (Sunan At-Tirmidhi)
  • The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said: “Surah Al-Mulk is a protector; a rescuer from the torment of the grave.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)
  • In another narration, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Surah Al-Mulk is the chapter which is most eager to intercede, and it is the chapter which will be a barrier (preventing the punishment of the grave).” (Jami` at-Tirmidhi)

These Hadiths emphasize the special status and virtues of Surah Al-Mulk. Reciting this Surah regularly is believed to bring benefits, including intercession on behalf of the reciter, protection from the punishment of the grave, and seeking forgiveness from Allah. Surah Mulk Read Online

It is worth mentioning that while these Hadiths highlight the virtues of Surah Al-Mulk, it is important to approach them with proper understanding and not attribute any superstitious beliefs or exaggerated claims to the recitation of specific Surahs. The recitation of the Quran is highly encouraged, and each Surah holds significance and merit in its own right.

Surah Mulk In Roman Text

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

  1. Tabarakallazi biyadihil mulk, wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadir
  2. Allazi khalaqal mawta wal hayata liyabluwakum ayyukum ahsanu amala, wa huwal ‘azizul ghafoor
  3. Allazi khalaqa sab’a samawatin tibaka, ma tara fi khalqir Rahmani min tafawut. Fruj’i ila basari karatain, hal tara min futur
  4. Summa ruj’i karatain, yakadu khashi’a, wa huwa khassirun man yumsiha
  5. Walaqad zayyannas sama’a addunya bi masabiha, wa ja’alnaa rujumal lishayatini, wa a’tadna lahum ‘azaabal sa’ir
  6. Wa lillazi na kafaru bi Rabbihim ‘azaabu jahannama, wa bi’sal masir
  7. Idha ulqufiha sami’ou laha shaheeqaw wa hiya tafoor
  8. Takadu tamayyazu min al ghadabi, kulama ulqia fiha fawjun sa’alahum khasirun
  9. Qaloo balaa qad janaa naa nadheerun, fa kadhabnaa wa qulnaa maa naz zala Allahu min shay’in in antum illa fee dalalim mubeen
  10. Wa qaloo law kunna nasma’u aw na’qilu ma kunna fee ashaabis sa’eer
  11. Fa’a’tarafuu bithambihim fasuhqal lishaabis sa’eer
  12. Inna allazina yakhshauna Rabbahum bil ghaibi lahum maghfiratun wa ajrun kabeer
  13. Wa asirru qaulakum aw ijharu bihi, innahu ‘aleemun bithatis sudur
  14. Alaa ya’lamu man khalaq, wa huwal latiful khabeer
  15. Huwa allazi ja’alalakumul arda dhaloolan, famshoo fe manakibiha wa kulu min rizqihi, wa ilayhi al nushur
  16. A’amintum man fis samaa’i anyakhsifa bikumul arda, fa idha hiya tamoor
  17. Am a’mintum man fis samaa’i anyursila ‘alaykum hasiba, fasata’lamoon kayfa nazeer
  18. Wa laqad kazzaballazina min qablihim, fa kayfa kana nakeer
  19. Awalam yaraw ila tairi fa’uqahum saffihaat, wa yaqbidna ma yumsikuhunna illar Rahman, innahu bikulli shay’in baseer
  20. Amman hadal lazee huwa jundul lakum yansurukum min doonir Rahman, inilkafiroona illa fee ghuroor
  21. Amman hadal lazee yarzukukum in amsaka rizqah, bal ladu fi’ootin wa nufur
  22. Afaman yamshee mukibban ‘ala wajihih, ahda amman yamshee sawiyyan ‘ala siratin mustaqeem
  23. Qul huwa allazi ansha’akum, wa ja’alalakumu sam’a wal absara wal af’ida qalila ma tashkurun
  24. Qul huwa allazi zara akum fil ardi, wa ilayhi tuhsharun
  25. Wa yaqooluna mata haadhal wa’adu in kuntum sadiqeen
  26. Qul innama al ilmu ‘indallahi wa innama ana nadheerun mubeen
  27. Fa lamma ra’awhu zulfatan seey’atu wujuhillazina kafaru wa qeela haaza allazee kuntum bihi tad’uun
  28. Qul araaytum in akhazaniyyal laahu wa man ma’aya, aw rahimana faman yuji’rul kafireena min ‘azaabin aleem
  29. Qul huwal Rahmanu amanna bihi wa ‘alayhi tawakkalna, fasata’lamoon man huwa fee dalalim mubeen
  30. Qul ara’aytum in asbaha maaa’ukum ghawran famai ya’teekum bimaaa’im ma’een

Benefits of Reading Surah Mulk

Surah Al-Mulk, also known as “The Sovereignty,” holds numerous advantages and benefits for those who recite, reflect upon, and implement its teachings. Some of the advantages of Surah Al-Mulk include:

Protection from the punishment of the grave

It is reported in a hadith that Surah Al-Mulk intercedes for its reciter until it protects them from the punishment of the grave.

Intercession on the Day of Judgment

Surah Al-Mulk will intercede on behalf of the one who recites it regularly, seeking forgiveness and mercy for them on the Day of Judgment.

Illumination of the grave

Recitation of Surah Al-Mulk can illuminate the darkness of the grave and provide comfort and tranquility to the believer.

Remembrance of the sovereignty of Allah

Surah Al-Mulk reminds us of the absolute sovereignty and power of Allah over all creation. It reinforces our faith and strengthens our connection with Allah.

Benefits Of Surah Al Mulk: Every Muslim Should Know

Reading Surah al Mulk Before Going To Sleep

There is a hadith (narration) regarding the recitation of Surah Al-Mulk before going to sleep. The hadith is reported by Abdullah bin Mas’ud (may Allah be pleased with him): “Whoever recites Surah al-Mulk every night, Allah will prevent the punishment of the grave by this Surah”. According to another tradition, when a person reads Surah Al-Mulk before going to sleep, an angel comes down to protect him because he cannot protect himself because of sleep. Therefore, Muslims must bring the recitation of Sura Mulk explanations and lessons into their routine, and for that, they must memorize the Surah so that they can recite the Surah at ease when needed.

Surah Mulk Read Online on and listen to its Audio MP3. You can also read and listen to Surah Mulk in Urdu and English Translation available on our website.

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What are the main benefits of reading Surah Mulk?

Reading Surah Mulk can help you connect with the divine message, gain spiritual insight, and discover calm and feelings of fulfillment.

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